Field Trip
Washington DC
There will be a class trip to Washington D.C. to conclude the unit on World War II. From the Holocaust Museum to the World War II Memorial, students will be immersed in history that connects us to the past.Â
This trip will have been planned and organized starting at the very beginning of the year to give students the opportunity to fundraise their trip, apply for scholarships, and apply for the alternative experience if not attending the D.C. trip.
Fundraising Opportunities
Students will be given two fundraising opportunities throughout the school year prior to the D.C. field trip...
World’s Finest Chocolate is a fundraising chocolate bar company. This is one fundraising opportunity for our students. Each candy bar will be sold for a dollar a piece. This gives students the opportunity to raise $30 for every box sold.
Krispy Kreme is a donut company that North Carolianians love! Fundraising with this company will be easy as they already have all the forms provided online. We will be selling original glazed donuts and original glazed donut certificates for $9. This will allow customers that are unable to pick up their donuts from the school to get their donuts when they want them! Both glazed donuts and the certificates will cost the $4.50 giving us a profit of $4.50 per box or certificate.
More information to be provided at the beginning of the school year. ​
Alternative Experience
Students not attending Washington DC
Students will visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s online exhibitions. This website gives students the opportunity to find an exhibition that they are interested in or passionate about and create a product that can teach other students about the exhibition. This could be a video, pamphlet, drawing, letter, novel, or board game. Creativity is key!
Complete the virtual tours of Lincoln memorial and Ford’s Theatre. Then create a presentation (video, poster, song, etc...) comparing and contrasting Abraham Lincoln to a prominent figure from World War II.
If additional funding becomes available for alternative experience, students may visit the NC Museum of History.